Bird Box Mask Challenge

Bird Box Mask Challenge
Bird Box Challenge with the Biointernet Mask
A “Bird Box Challenge“ Now Exists, and Netflix Would Really Like You Not to Participate, but…
Let’s try Bird Box Challenge with the Biointernet Mask!
More than 30 years Experience on Intuitive Information Sight technology by Dr. Boris Zolotov (BEZ). Special device created – The Biointernet Mask.
The Mask – a way to create a new “Me”, going beyond the limits of everydayness and “outside view” to organize and correct the Future.
Every day we use different masks. One mask for work, the other for the house, the third – only like a fan, the fourth – when something is forgotten or lost, the sixth – when they are satisfied with the result, the seventh – for parents, the eighth – for unfamiliar people, and so on.
Conscious use of masks creates a common reality and shapes the future.
The Mask devices for Yoga, Lucid Dreaming, Remote Viewing, Intuitive Information Sight, Meditation, Telepathy, Materialization and for other The Biointernet Practices
Recommended Mask models:
The Biointernet Mask Classic
The Biointernet Mask Infinity
Please post your experience about Bird Box Mask Challenge with the Biointernet Mask on the comments here or send to
Prizes for all participants!!!
Bird Box Mask Challenge
Order Masks here
SuperPrize for the best video!!
The Biointernet Mask Digital you can download on Translighters Games website
See you on the Translighters Games